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Phone App Presentation Template

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Phone Call Template

Transcript: 8. The next step 2. Up-Front Contract Angry when they realize that _________ is causing _________. This is an awkward call, we actually don't know each other... 7. Pain Funnel Questions I don't know if these things are happening to you? If they are, perhaps we should talk. Vulnerable because their ________ is causing them to lose ____________. We are in the dynamic email business...You may be 100% satisfied with your email strategy 4. Pain Bullets 3. Description Perhaps if I took 30 seconds to tell you why I called, you can decide if we should keep talking... Hi ______. This is _____. I'm a little embarrassed. I get so many voice mails I'm a bit surprised to reach you... Tell me more... Help me understand... Be more specific... Give me an example... How long has that been a concern (or happening)? Have you tried to fix that? Why didn't that fix work? Everything you told me (summarize) is what we do. I'm not sure if how we have helped other companies would work with yours. We wouldn't know that until we _____________. 1 Pattern Interrupt 5. Pain Generation Questions At risk because the lack of ______ often results in ________. Have you given up trying? Who else does this affect? What happens if you don't fix it? What is the impact on the company? On you? Don't rack your brain, we've never spoken... Did I get you at a bad time? 6. Trigger Questions Worried because they can't figure out how to stop _______ which is causing ______. Stuck because the lack of _______ makes it difficult to _______. We recently sent you an email regarding _______. I don't know if it was valuable info or not, I thought I would check in with you... Are you open to _________ (meeting, 2nd call, etc.)? Phone Call Template The companies we speak with tell us that they feel... This is ________ from ___________. It sounds like my name or company is not familiar... Logo

Phone App Elective Presentation

Transcript: Bluetooth communication CSS index.js JAVASCRIPT Wireless technology over short distances 2.4-2.485 Ghz Master - Slave structure(changeable) Interface Hardware And Software Interface two devices via Bluetooth General issues setting up the project understanding connections between the files a presentations on my experience with the FIN Interfacing Softawre and Hardware components Testing the final app A more friendly user interface A slider to adjust the speed of the robot Taking a look into the world of Mobile App developing Learning Experimenting Using prior HTML, CSS and JavaScript knowledge to develop the app Finding out if HTML based mobile apps can be used for real time control of a robotic vehicle Implementing the app What have I researched? What have I learned? Whats my opinion on the elective? Questions? Suggestions? Mobile apps CHOOSING THE IDE Problems Coding HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT HOW DOES IT WORK? Andrei - Florentin Holban Taking a look into the world of Mobile App developing Learning Experimenting Using prior HTML, CSS and JavaScript knowledge to develop the app Finding out if HTML based mobile apps can be used for real time control of a robotic vehicle Implementing the app index.css PREPARING THE PROJECT UCN SOME KNOWLEDGE Phone App Elective Programs on mobile devices Initialy used for productivity Heavily constrained by the device specs Firstly tested on emulators LOOKING FORWARD LOOKING BACK index.html HTML CONCLUSION Obejctives

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