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Memory Loss Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: In order to maintain a long term memory, and be able to learn fast you have to keep your temporal lobes in check. You can get memory loss from a fallof a short distance and/or long distance. Also if you get into an accident and hit your head. A good brain diet is to consume omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E and C in order to nourish the brain. How to enhance your brain Blood vessel disease drug abuse alcohol abuse other cause of damage to the brain: alzheimers disease Part of the brain Food to enhance the brain Causes of Dementia You can get omega 3 fatty acids from fish oils. Also you can get vitamin c and e from fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Head Injury You can get long term or short term memory loss from getting hit in the head really hard. But your memory can improve after a while in recovery. Other Causes medication alcohol tobacco drug use sleep deprivation head injury ect. Where temporal lobes are found They are found behind the eyes right beneath the temples. They are in charge of long term or short term memory lose. Also thoughts, language, and mood stability. they also are part of how learn and remember things. stroke, dementia Pics meds: antidepressants, antihistamines, anti-anxiety medications, muscle relaxants, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and pain medications drugs, alcohol: tobacco, liquor ` The temporal lobes play a critical role in storing and retrieving memory lose. A stroke is when blood is stopped when flowng to the brain by a blockage of blood vessels. It may cause short term memory loss and cause people to have a vivid memory. Dementia is the name of progressive loss of memory and other aspectsof thinking. what causes it drug, meds, and others MEMORY LOSS causes of head injury memory loss HIV tuberculosis syphilis

Memory & Memory Loss

Transcript: Information Processing The 4 Models of Memory New experiences don't just provide new facts that are later retrieved individually. They are also integrated with existing knowledge/experiences. Storing New Memories In order for information to become firmly embedded in memory, it must pass through 3 stages of mental processing: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, and Long-term Memory Parallel Distributed Processing Sensory Memory Short-term Memory Long-term Memory Incorporation of music Associations Repetition Mnemonics Exercising the brain Creating Outlines Not Cramming PQ4R Many more So then, why do we forget? -Transfer-Appropriate Processing is a term that implies that memories are most easily and efficiently stored and retrieved when the type of "processing" that the brain uses when the memory is first stored matches the processing used as the time of retrieval. This is a fancy way of saying that memories are most easily retrieved when the individual is in the same state of mind as when the memory was first stored; happy memories are most easily retrieved when a person is happy, likewise sad or angry memories are most easily retrieved when in the same frame of mind. So How Can I Improve My Memory? Semantic Memory- Memory containing generalized knowledge of the world. Ex. What you had last night for dinner. Episodic Memory- Ex. Remembering when you broke a bone in your body. Procedural Memory- Memory conataining info on how to do things. Ex. A gymnast trying to explain the motions of their routine. Explicit Memory Implicit Memory Types of Memory Memory & Memory Loss Testing Your Explicit/Implicit Memory Ex. First Day of High School The word Sofa. Levels of Processing-how extensively information is encoded/processed when first received - Maintainance Rehearsal - Elaborative Rehearsal

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