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Hand Hygiene Powerpoint Template

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Hand Hygiene

Transcript: Did you know....? Washing hands with soap and water is less effective than hygienic hand disinfectants. Hygienic disinfectants eliminate most of the bacteria that cause nosocomial infections. It is in good practice to use hygienic disinfectants before and after contact with a patient. You should use hygienic disinfectants before any type of invasive procedure. (Kampf, Loffler, & Gastmeier, 2009) Handwashing Hygienic disinfectants are often blamed for irritating, dry, and cracked hands among health care workers. Believe it or not soap and water are more damaging to the skin than hygienic disinfectants. It has been suggested that alcohol based rubs applied after hand- washing can reduce irritation caused by hand-washing. (Kampf, Loffler, Gastmeier, 2009) Key Points Clean Hands Saves Lives Important tips to remember Inweregbu, K., Dave, J., Pittard, A., (2005). Nosocomial infection. Continuing Education in Anaesthsia, Critical Care & Pain, 5(1), 14-17. Use alcohol based rub before and after patient contact and any invasive procedure. Wash hands with soap and water if you come into contact with the norovirus, C. diff, or your hands are visibly soiled. You should always wear gloves when working with a patient, but gloves does not take the place of handwashing. Recommendations on using soap and water... References APA 6th edition The benefits of using prezi are it allows material to be presented in a unique way, cost effective, and easily accessed. Prezi can be accessed from any web-enabled computer and allows you to share online. The disadvantages of using prezi are it can cause dizziness to the viewer, it's not printer friendly, and the viewer is unable to access if there is unreliable internet connection. WHO. (2015). System change- changing hand hygiene behaviour at the point of care. Retrieved from Irritating to the hands One in ten patients will acquire a nosocomial infection. 1/3 of nosocomial infections are preventable. Handwashing is the best preventative measure against the spread of infection. (Inweregbu, Dave, & Pittard, 2005) Nosocomial infections are infections that are acquired 48 hours after admission into the hospital, 3 days after hospital discharge or 30 days after an operation. (Inweregbu, Dave, & Pittard, 2005) Kampf, G., Loffler, H., Gastmeier, P. (2009). Hand hygiene for the prevention of nosocomial infections. Deutsches Arzteblatt International, 106(40), 649-655. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2009.0649 Advantages and Disadvantages Use soap and water after coming in contact with noroviruses. Use soap and water after coming in contact with spore forming bacterias such as C. difficile. Use soap and water if hands are visibly soiled. Use soap and water after using the restroom. ( World Health Organization, 2015) The target audience for this presentation would be any hospital staff that come in direct contact with patient's. The prezi presentation is used to educate health care workers about nosocomial infections and ways to prevent an infection. The presentation also provides information on when to use alcohol based rubs versus washing with soap and water. What is a Nosocomial Infection? The best strategies to prevent a nosocomial infection. Hand Hygiene Project Information for the Health Care Worker The Facts about Soap and water

Hand Hygiene

Transcript: My Poster Those infections and diseases could be transmitted through direct contact from person to person (by hand) or indirect contact by touching contaminated surfaces. - Before, during and after handling food (cooking or eating). - Before and after direct contact with someone sick. - Before and after treating a cut or wound. - Before and after using the toilet. - After changing diapers. - After cleaning up a child who’s done using the toilet. - After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. - After touching an animal or animal waste. - After touching garbage. Preventing and controlling diseases and infections transmission is done by taking care of your hands hygiene. How do you use Alcohol hands cleanser? Apply the hands cleanser to the palm of one hand. Rub your hands together. Rub the product over all surfaces of your hands and fingers until your hands are dry. How does hand washing affect our life and health? Hand Hygiene Alya Ali 12B3HDH01 When should you wash your hands? The End! (2009). Historical perspective on hand hygiene in health care. In WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: First Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care Is Safer Care (pp. 48-62). Geneva: World Health Organization. (Book) Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives. (2013, December 11 ). Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Infectious diseases. (2013, Jane 23). Retrieved from Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings. (2014, May 1). Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Caught Dirty-handed. (n.d.). Retrieved from Introduction 1- Wet your hands with clean water then apply soap. 2- Rub your hands together with the soap. Including the backs of the hands, between fingers, and under the nails. 3- Scrub your hands for 20 seconds while singing the "Happy Birthday" song from beginning to end twice, or “Twinkle, twinkle little star” once. 4- Rewash your hands well under the clean water. 5-Dry your hands with tissue or clean towel. 6- Close the sink with a clean tissue paper. Data conducted from the survey Resources The father of hands washing is Ignaz Philipp Semmelweiss. He’s the one who started the hands disinfection technique in hospitals in the mid-1800s. Semmelweiss recommended that hands must be scrubbed in a chlorinated lime solution before any patient contact. After the start of hand disinfection technique in hospitals the percentage of death between pregnant patients has dropped rapidly. Cold viruses Influenza hepatitis Salmonella Eyes infections Skin infections (scabies) Preventing infections spread Infections and diseases that can be transmitted by hand: If soap and water are not available, using an alcohol-based hand cleanser that contains at least 60% alcohol is the best 2end choice. Alcohol-based hand cleanser can reduce the number of microorganisms on hands, but do it doesn’t eliminate all types of pathogens. Hand cleanser are not effective when the hands are visibly dirty or greasy. How should you wash your hands? Hand washing is the most important measure to reduce the transmission of pathogens from one patient to another or from one anatomic site to another on the same patient! What should you do if you don’t have soap and clean water?

Hand Hygiene

Transcript: Hand Hygiene 4 Moments of Hand Hygiene Nsg Hand hygiene must be performed: • at the beginning and end of a shift • before and after breaks • before and after patient contact after contact with body fluids, blood, mucous membranes, non- intact skin or inanimate objects that are likely to be contaminated • if moving from a contaminated body site to another body site during the care of the same patient prior to placement of invasive devices • before and after contact with the patient’s environment • before handling medications and/or food • whenever hands are visibly soiled • after removing gloves • prior to accessing personal protective equipment • before using a computer, mobile devise or answering a telephone Areas for improving Attendants OR & PARR 66.7% OR: 57.1% PARR: 80.5% Doc's Hands Up! OR & PARR 66.7% Policy Highlights Scenario Take Away Messages Gloves are not a substitute for hand hygiene. Spring Audit Results Infection prevention Single most effective way of preventing the spread of germs Duty to keep patients and staff safe Audit of hand hygiene is an Accreditation Canada standard All Healthcare Providers must: Spring Audit results: Unit Profession Importance of hand hygiene Policy highlights 4 Moments of Hand Hygiene 5 Rights of Hand Hygiene Back to basics: Soap & water, Alcohol-based rub Wash/ ETOH rub - between patient interactions. Hand Hygiene Keep fingernails short, in order to minimize potential transmission of pathogens. Fingernails should be no longer than pencil tip length (5 mm) from the end of the finger. Not wear artificial nails, gels, or wraps Not wear nail polish or shellac. Not wear any hand jewelry other than a simple wedding band when working within the patient care environment, medical device reprocessing, nutrition services, pharmacy sterile room or the laboratory. Maintain skin integrity; cover open cuts or sores on hands/wrists with waterproof bandages. 4 moments of hand hygiene: OR Nurse compliance Before patient contact: 45% Before aseptic technique: n/a After aseptic technique: n/a After patient contact: 73% OR- 48% PARR- 79% Wash/ ETOH rub - prior to patient interactions. Glucose testing Checking armbands/ touching stretcher or bedding Rings/ bracelets/ watches and nailpolish are not appropriate for any care providers to wear at work. Overall: You come to cover the front desk for lunch relief. An attendant brings in 2 patients to pre-op holding to be checked in surgery. You go to the first patient's chart and organize it, fill out the pre-op checklist sheet and sticker all the appropriate documents. You go to #1 patient stretcher. You check the name band, ask your questions and put the bouffant on the patient. You return to the desk, check the next chart, grab a bouffant and go to the #2 patient stretcher. You check the name band, ask your questions and put the bouffant on the patient. You return to the desk. Importance of Hand Hygiene Back to Basics

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