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Constitution Powerpoint

Transcript: Section 1 Section 1-1 Supreme Court holds judicial power Section 1-1 Example: someone who is adopted in Maryland is still adopted in California and if someone is married in Maryland, he or she is still married in California Section 2-1 establishes that states must treat citizens of other states equally Section 2-3 The only crime not tried by jury is impeachment Article IV Section 2-2 Supreme Court has orginial jurisdiction over cases of ambassadors, public ministers, and consuls, in which the state shall be a party Section 3-2 Congress makes the rules for new territories Section 2-2 Extradition is one state sending a criminal found in its state to the state he/she is wanted in; Joseph Duncan murdered a 10 year old boy and was extradited from Idaho to California Section 2-3 With slavery outlawed, a clause determining the return of runaway slaves is obsolete Section 3 Section 3-2 The punishments for treason include death, prison for more than 5 years, a fine of $10,000, the incapability of holding office, and the confiscation of property Section 1 Article III Section 1-1 A Supreme Court justice can serve for life Section 1-1 Congress may establish inferior courts Every territory is guaranteed a republican form of government Section 4 Catherine Su, Bethany Taylor, Nadia Saleh, Anna Wang, Kerry Wang Section 2-2 Appellate jurisdiction is the right to review decisions of lower courts Section 3-1 New states must be admitted by Congress, but no new state can be made by another state or within another state; state legislature and Congress must approve joining of states Constitution Presentation: Group 6 Section 2 Section 1-1 "Full faith and credit:" states must recognize the laws and records of other states and enforce rights in its own courts that would be enforced in other state courts Section 2-1 Cases held in federal court are about: law and equity under constitution, laws of U.S. and treaties, ambassadors, problems between 2 or more states, states and citizens, states and foreigners Section 2 Section 3-2 Congress has also made sedition and aiding of aliens crimes through the Alien and Sedition Acts and the Esponiage Act Section 3 establishes judicial branch of the U.S. government outlines duties of the states and the duty the federal government has to the states Section 3-1 Treason is levying war against the U.S. and adhering to the enemy's aid and comfort

Constitution PowerPoint

Transcript: Article iii: The Judicial branch Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts,records,and judicial proceedings of every other state Introduction (What is the Constitution?) Amendments 11-19 Amendments 9-10 Section 8: Power of Congress Congress has the power to -lay and collect taxes in order to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and the general welfare as long as all such -Borrow money -Regulate commerce -Establish a uniform rule of naturalization and laws on subject -coin money regulate its value and fix standard weights&measures -regulate the punishment of counterfeiting of US money -establish post offices and post roads -create a tribunals system inferior the Supreme court -define and punish crimes on the high seas -declare war -raise and support armies -provide and maintain a Navy -make rules to govern and regulate the army and navy -establish rules for calling out the milita -make all laws that are necessary and proper for carrying out powers article I (cont) 21st the 18th amendement is probhition 22nd the president cannot serve for more than 2 terms 26th us citizens who are 18 years old or older have the right to vote The Constitution affects me by putting laws in place to allow me to have freedom Section 1: The President The executive power of the United States will given to the president He will hold office for a term of 4 years The president must be a natural born citizen of the United States The president must be at least 35 years old and be a resident of the United States for at least 14 years Section 2: Powers of the President -The president will be commander in Cheif of the army and navy of the United States -The President has the power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment -The president has the power to make treaties, with the advice and consent of the Senate; Section 3: Presidental powers continued -He shall give congress information on the state of the Union. -He shall receive ambassadors and other public officials -He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed and shall commission officers of the United States. Amendment 4-8 Amendment 20-27 article vii: ratification 9th The constitution does not include all of the rights of the people and the states 10th any powers that the constitution does not give to the federal government are reserved to the states. 13th slavery is illegal in the united states 14th every person born in the unites states is a citizen 15th all us male citizens have the right to vote 16th congress can collect taxes on income 17th senators will be elected by the people 18th the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors is illegal 19th all us female citizens have the right to vote The constitution may be amended with the consent of 2/3 of both houses,and 2/3 of the state legislatures To form a more perfect union Established Justice Insure domestic tranquility Provide for the common defense Promote the general welfare Secure the blessings of liberty Article iv: Laws regarding the states amendments ( what are they?) bill of right (What is it) This document must be ratified by 9 sates to become effective. Established Americas national government and fundamental laws and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens.It was signed on September 17,1787 how the consituiton affects me Article ii: The Executive branch 1st Freedom of assembly,relgion,speech,press,and the right to petition the Government 2nd The right to bear arms 3rd Soldier cannot take or live in a persons house. Section 1: All legislative powers are given to the congress,which will consist of the two houses,the senate and the House of Representatives Section 2: The House of Representatives Members of the House will be chosen every 2 years Representatives must be at least 25 years old A representative must be a citizen of the United States for at least 7 years A representative must be an inhabitant of the state from which they are elected States will have a number of representatives based on every 30 thousand Section 3: The Senate The Senate will consist of 2 senators from each state Members of the Senate will be chosen every 6 years Senators must be at least 30 year old A Senator must be a citizen of the Untied States for at least 9 years A Senator must be an inhabitant of the state from which they are elected The Senate has the sole power to try impeachment 4th The government cannot arrest a person or serach their property unless there is "probable cause" 5th The government must follow the law due process before punishing a person. 6th The right to a speedy and public trial by impartial 7th The right to a jury trial for suits of common law 8th The government cannot demand excessive bail or fines or any cruel and unusual punishment. 1st 2nd and 3rd Amendment Rights article vi: Federal power Section 1: The Courts The judicial power of the United States shall be given to

US Constitution

Transcript: We the people of the United States- rich white males that own land. In Order to form a more perfect Union- they want a perfect society. Establish Justice- a new law government Insure domestic Tranquility- enforce laws to keep revolts and farmers from uprising. Provide for the common defence- to make friends with differnent nations to have allies in war. Promote the general welfare-allow every citize and state to benefit from what they can provide for them. And secure the blessings of liberty to oursefs and our posterity-concerned of liberity forming a monarchy. Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America- restaes the name and it ensures it comes from the people not from a king. Bill of Rights 1. Protects the right to the of religion. 2.Right to own guns. 3.The army can't make you take care of them. 4.Prevent government from taking land , or paper with a warrent. 5.Prevent someone from being held for a crime without they are indicted to. 6.Speedy Trail, an impartial jury. 7.Jury trail in federal civil court cases. 8.Punishments will be fair. 9.Other rights than the ones listed can exist 10.Any power not granted to the government ibelongs to the states. I think that US Constitution was a good form of government because we still use it today. Article 3 Method 1-The bill will have to be passed by both houses then ,its off to the states so it can get approved by 9 out of 13 states.When approved by the president then it becomes an admendment. Method 2-A Constitutional Convention is to be called by two thirds of state legislatures. They have to propose one or more admendments. Then, they are sent to the states to be approved by three fourths of the states. Ratification-the text of the admendment speifies wheather it is going to be passed through the states or a Constitution Convention. 1.It mandates that each state will honor another states laws. Ex: a couple is married in New York thay are still married in Maryland 2.What is guarrented as a citizen is that you will be trearted equally and fairly. If someone is accused for a crime and flees their state to another they will be brought back to their state. 3.This section concerns the admittance of new sttes and the control of federal lands. 4.It ensures a republican form of government, and guarrentes that the federal government will protect states from invasions and insurrections. Preamble Thank you for your attention! And one more thing... 1.Establishes offices for vice and president, 35 years of age , and a natural born citizen of the US. 2.The powers given to the president is commander in cheif in the armed forces and the militia. Sign trearties and picks judges. 3.The duties of the president is to give the state and union address. 4.Recieve ambassadors and make sure the laws are carried out. Conclusion Article 4 Creating a new Government Article 1 Article 5 Article 2 1.It establishes the three branches og the government. Judges need to go to school and are to be paid. 2.It set cases that are heard by the federal judicary , and guarantees trial by jury. 3.Treason-the offense o attempting to overthrow the government of ones of assiting its enemies in war. Federalism- The federal principle or system of government. Delegated powers are powers stated in the US Constitution. Some Powers: power to declare war, raise taxes, regulate immagration & naturalization. Reserved powers are powers held by the states. Power to set marraige qualifications and set license requirements. Where : Philadelphia, PN When:In the Summer of 1787 What : The US Constitution Why : the Articles of Confederatiopn Who : Fifty-five delegates from 12 states except Rhode Island The federalists wanted the constitution because they thought that a strong central government was a good idea. The Anti-federalists thought that the government would have to much power over the states. The people that helped the federalists were Alexander Hamilton , James Madison , and John Jay. The members of the anti-federalists are Samuel Adams , Patrick Henry , and Richard Henry. The anti-federalists wanted a Bill of Rights to protect certain rights. The federalists wrote essays protect there constitution. Sections: 1.It establishes the three government branches. 2.It establishes the House of Representatives, they need to be the age of 25 and older and needs to be a citizen for more than 7 years. 3.The senate, 30 or older, 9 years of citizenship and each state has the same number of senates in the government. 4.Each state can establish it way to pick members of congress,mandates, and requirments that must must meet with once a year. 5.It must have minimum number of members present in order to meet. 6.Members of congress will get paid. 7.All bills must be pass through both house and then to the president, then he will either veto it or sign it, and it becomes a law. 8.Powers of congress. power to establish an army and Navy, establishpost offices ,establish courts, and declare war. 9.Habeas

US constitution

Transcript: U.S. Constitution Section 2 -allowed to give people rights on inventing something 2.The write of Habeas Corpus -The right to know what yo are being accused for 5. staes can't be taxed on exports only imports -make rules for land and navy forces -ELECTORIAL METHOD: electors will meet in their state Section 3 Punnishment: the congess can punish tratiors but can't punish children of tratiorsby taking away their civil death -provide punnishment of counterfiting Who rote the constition 12 states delagets because america needed rules to be led by Govt represantive democracy -congress can make laws for the non-states - allowed to be in charge of money Have to run for what state you are in 6.congress CAN'T play fovorites with states Things congress can do : -TIME OF ELECTION: congress can decide when citizens get to vote & the day will be the same all through the states. -all civial officers, pesident, vice president will be removedfrom office on impeachmentfor: conviction,treason,bribery, and anoteh hiigh crimes of misdiomeners Duties of the President Treason President of the senate Article 3: Judicial Branch -The comperise of slave trade -TREITES AND APPOINTMENTS: the president with the consent of the senate can apponment treites Courts, terms of office -Trial by jury: all crimes and trials have to be in teh state it was commited in -Definition:Defied as levying war against adhering enimies,no convicted of treason two people have to have seen the crime in order for it to be treason Section 2: -organizing, arming, and punishing millita -congresss can act as a court -provide navy -borrow money from other countries 4.taxes are based on how many people are in that state -SALERY: the president can't raise his salery or have any other job while he is in office Section 8 Section 3 -OATH OF OFFICE: before the president takes office he has to take an oath on the bible saying that he will do his job to the best of his ability Section 9 Article 2: Excutive Branch Section 4 Section 1 : President & Vice President 3. Bill of attainder cant be areested for law that was leegelised after you were taken in - MILITARY POWERS: the president is the comander and chief of the U.S. army,navy and serval of the states millita cabinet a group of people who give advice to the president when he needs it. He also has the power to parden or reprieve you Section 2: Powers of the president Qualifications -create army 2 years worth of money House of representatives no one in the U.S. can be grqanted royality Every two years -ELECTORIAL : each state will have represinetives deponded on how many people there are in that state -He will occasionally do a stae of union adress about the oncomming year Can't be a senator unless you are 30 years old -scope of judicial:power court power will be extended to all cases,fedral laws, treites, disgrements between states or citizens Article 1 Section 1: Legslative Branch -judicial power will be vested in one supreme court and will eb in office as long as they have good behiaver - trade with other countries congress not allowed to make rules about what you can and can't bye from other states It records everything that goes on in a meeting Section 4 Impeachment Jurstiction -incharge of post office - punish pirates Section 3: -QUALFACTIONS OF PRESIDENT: no one who isn't a citizen or wasn't born in the U.S. can be the president and must be older than 35 years old and be a resident for 14 years Elections - establish uniform of naturalization -TEMPORARY APPIONMENTS: the president is in charge of appointing people, he gets to choose the members of the supreme court -Supreme Court:scope of judicial power court will jursticiyion over ministers or does not decide guilt,to law and fact,congress sahll make 1.states are not allowed to make their own country and we are not allowed to make treatys with other countries Must have lived in US for 7 years Section 10 - create and collect taxes Must be 25 yrs old Secton 1: 7.congress is not allowed to use any of the money unless a law is passed -have millita (modern day national guard) keep a journal of procedings Section 1 record anything that the house does - any land that is not under control in U.S. congress is in charge of it states don't have the power to declare war on any other states. No alliances,no armies of our own Records -cHIEF EXCUTIVE TERM the president has all the power but when he/she is gone it goes to the vice president teh president has a four year term -PRESIDENTAL SUCCISION: if the president dies or is unable to take charge while he/she is in office then the vice president gets to take over if bothe the president and vice president couldn't take controll congress gets to decide who is going to be the presidnt. -allowd to declare war on other countries

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