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Red, White, and Blue

Transcript: Did you see that? - 3 Pb + 2NO + 2NH + 2OH --> 2NH + 2NO + Pb(OH) White - Red HPhenolphthalein + OH --> H O + Phenolpthalein 2 3 - 4 white 2+ - 2+ 2+ 2 3 4 Copper (II) sulfate solution and aqueous ammonia are mixed. 2+ Safety Measures 3 Phenolphthalein turns pink in the presence of a base Cu + 2SO + 4NH + 4OH --> 2SO + 4OH + Cu(NH ) 2 1% ehanolic phenophthalein saturated lead nitrate saturated copper sulfate 3 150ml beakers 500ml 1.0M aqueous ammonia 600ml beaker droppers HPhenolphthalein + NH OH -->NH + H O + Phenolphthalein 4 colorless 3 4 Lead (II) hydroxide is a white precipitate. - Lead (II) nitrate is mixed with aqueous ammonia. Cu(NH ) gives a blue liquid. 2- 3 + 4 It's different for each beaker. Let's take a look 4 The aqueous ammonia added to each of three beakers formed products colored red, white, and blue! - Materials Patriotic Chemistry - colorless Copper (II) sulfate can stain clothes Ammonia gas is noxious Lead is used Cu + 4NH --> Cu(NH ) 3 1. Set up 3 clean 150ml beakers 2. Add 5 drops phenolphthalein to the left beaker. 3. Add 10 drops saturated aqueous lead nitrate to the middle beaker. 4. Add 10 drops saturated aqueous copper sulfate to the right beaker. 5. Pour 400ml pf 1.0M aqueous ammonia into a 600ml beaker. 6. Use large beaker to pour 75 ml of ammonia into each beaker. Wear goggles, closed toe shoes, and lab coat Avoid inhaling ammonia gas, do in fume hood Follow proper disposal procedures for lead 4 - - Pb + 2OH --> Pb(OH) HPhenolphthalein and aqueous ammonia are mixed. 2- blue deep blue 3 2 3 2+ How does it work? Procedure pink Blue

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