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Playing for Free

Transcript: Pay the Players Financial Hardships NCAA Athletes: NCAA athletes must deal with the pressure of making good grades to stay eligible to play and also making plays on the field to keep their scholarship. Their jerseys and personalities are sold, but they will not see a dime for that. Marketability NCAA athletes should get paid, because they are used as marketability for the universities, they go through financial hardships, and they have more responsibilities then pro athletes. College players should be paid, because its not easy to go to school, play sports, and provide for themselves. This money could be used to buy food, clothing, and cover living expenses for athletes around the nation. Professional Athletes: Get paid millions of dollars a year. They also have a agent that takes care of the business part of their life. They also get a percentage of money from endorsements such as, video games and fan gear sales. Spring Ball NCAA: 11 Billion dollar industry College Football: 7.3 Billion Alabama: 123,000,000 Scholarships Fun Fact Now some college athletes do get full and partial scholarships, but they only cover school expenses. That doesn't cover clothing, food, and off-campus living expenses. Fall Camp Wake Up- 5:45am Breakfast- 6:00am Taping- 6:30am Team Meeting- 7:00am 1st Practice- 7:30am Cold Tanks- 10:45am Position Meetings- 11:15am Lunch- 12:15pm Taping- 3:15pm Team Meeting- 4:00pm 2nd Practice- 5:00pm Dinner- 7:30pm Leave- 8:15pm NCAA athletes are considered amateurs, because they should be playing the sport for fun and not for money. College athletes don't have their mothers wake them up the morning to make them go to class or their dads to take them to the grocery store. They make their own decisions which makes them adults. Amateurs? Lifestyle Professional Vs. NCAA College athletes do get plenty of glory on game days, but what about when the camera is not rolling? Players go through financial hardships off the field. living expenses food expenses family expenses Welcome to the Grind... Playing for Free Colleges use players to make money. These players are used in video games, commercials, and magazines. College players never see a dime for their face or personality being used for the university. Ex: Off-season/Spring Wake up- 5:30am Weights- 6:00am-9:00am Class- 10:00am-1:00pm Football Meetings- 2:00pm-3:15pm Practice- 4:00pm-6:00pm Tutor/Study Hall- 7:00pm-9:00pm Homework/Study- 10:00pm-12:00pm Fall camp At the University of Kentucky the student body president is Paid 5k a year and gets a full scholarship. Fun Fact

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