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Food Processing Powerpoint Template

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Food Processing

Transcript: The Appendix The liver produces bile, which contains bile salts. They aid in lipid digestion by mechanically separating fat globules by emulsification. The liver also detoxifies many substances, and stores glycogen and vitamins A, B12 and D. Enterokinase converts trypsinogen into trypsin. Erepsin helps convert short-chain polypeptides into amino acids. The ham and cheese will be digested completely by erepsin. Disaccharidases completes the digestion of carbohydrates by converting dissacharides into monosaccharides. The bread will be digested completely by disaccharidases. Pharynx The Small Intestine is the next 3m of the small intestine. Functions of the liver The gallbladder stores bile until fats are present in the small intestine. The presence of fats triggers the gallbladder to release the bile. Peptic cells in the stomach secretes pepsinogen, which is converted to pepsin when combined with HCl. Pepsin and HCl break down proteins into shorter polypeptides. This is where the ham and cheese will begin to get digested. The rectum is the final portion of the large intestine, and is a storage site for feces. Feces are egested through the anus periodically. Part 4: Egestion The large intestine is a site of further absorption. Water, inorganic salts, vitamins and minerals get absorbed here. Symbiotic bacteria live in the large intestine and synthesize vitamins B and K for the body. Pyloric sphincter opens and chyme (partially digested food) moves into the small intestine Part 2: Digestion The Duodenum Thank you for looking at our presentation! Enzymes secreted by the pancreas Food Processing The stomach is a site for food storage. Stomach muscles contract and cause food to churn, increasing the surface area of the food mechanically. Trypsiongen gets converted into trypsin. Trypsin breaks down long chains of polypeptides into shorter chains. Erepsin completes the digestion of proteins by breaking down short polypeptide chains into individual amino acids. Pancreatic amylase changes intermediate length polysaccharides into disaccharides such as sucrose, lactose and maltose. Lipases break down lipids. They change triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol. Lipases will help digest the cheese in the sandwich. Part 3: Absorption Most chemical digestion and nutrient absorption happens here. The pharynx is a chamber at the back of the mouth where the passage ways from the lungs and esophagus meet. Salivary glands secretes salivary amylase, which breaks down starches into less complex carbohydrates. The bread and lettuce will begin to digest here. Part 1: Ingestion The Large Intestine Enzymes secreted by the small intestine The Jejunum The gallbladder The Oral Cavity is the first 25 - 30cm of the small intestine. Part 4: Egestion Salivary Glands Sources: Ms. Ferguson - class notes Image: A sandwich The appendix has no known functions in modern humans. It is thought to be a vestigial structure. The Ileum The oral cavity mechanically increases surface area food by cutting and grinding food (mastication) Esophagus Liver and Gallbladder The pancreas releases bicarbonate ions to decrease the pH in the small intestine. This inactivates pepsin and protects the small intestine from HCl. Peristaltic action (contractions of the muscle) moves bolus down the esophagus The epiglottis is a flap of skin that prevents liquids and solids from going into the lungs. is the last 3 - 3.5m of the small intestine. By William Tran and Inho Kim The Pancreas Other functions of the stomach Stomach: site of mechanical digestion and protein digestion

Processing food

Transcript: Food chemistry Colorantes artificiales se han observado para causar reacciones de hipersensibilidad en personas sensibles promoción de condiciones tales como el TDAH (trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad), las condiciones de asma y de la piel como la urticaria y la dermatitis atópica. Por lo tanto, evitar los alimentos que contienen estos y otros aditivos químicos puede contribuir en gran medida a la salud. Processed food The biological substances include such items as meat, poultry, lettuce, beer, and milk . It is similar to biochemistry in its main components such as carbohydrates, lipids, and protein, but it also includes areas such as water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, food additives, flavors, and colors by Andrea Lomeli, Melissa Romero , , Melissa Monreal ,Denise Garcia,Lourdes Salazar. Some of the many additives included in processed foods are thought to have the ability to compromise the body's structure and function and are suggested to be related to the development of skin, pulmonary and psycho-behavioral conditions Some foods are several sources of conservation as pasteurization, salting out, among others. Pasteurization. It consists of raising the temperature to degrees c (celcius) at high temperatures and lower it quickly so cool and so is preserved. What are the problems on processed foods? Food processing is the transformation of raw ingredients into food, or of food into other forms. Food processing typically takes clean, harvested crops or butchered animal products and uses these to produce attractive, marketable and often long shelf-life food products. what is it?

Food Processing

Transcript: Food Processing Food processing is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food or food into other forms for consumption by humans or animals either in the home or by the food processing industry. - Cheese - One of the reasons why they’re processed, is to improve the taste of the certain food, which is really good for business. - Some processed foods like peanut butter, blueberry jam, homemade cranberry juice, apple juice, grape juice, are healthy choices that can be harmless. - Processed foods like pre-cut vegetables and meat are quality convenience foods for busy people and for those who can’t visit a faraway market to buy vegetables and meat. - Food processing removes some of the nutrients, vitamins and fiber in the food. -The added saturated fats in processed foods are also often very bad for you and this can cause heart problems and increase cholesterol. - major source of employment, - adds value to crops by processing, - big source of food in the diet, - benefits a large number of poor people, such as farmers, packaging suppliers and vendors. - George Cranston, Pros and cons about food processing, Pros and cons about Processed Foods - soft drinks, like milk Pd. 6 - vegetables Marbell Rubio February 23, 2017 Examples of food processing Importance of food processing - Importance of food processing, Appropriate Food Packaging What is food processing? - Eating Processed Foods, January 6, 2014, Examples of processed foods, - bread - Breakfast cereals What is it? - Food processing, November 6, 2013, New World Encyclopedia Advantages Work cited/ Resources Disadvantages - microwaved meals - meat products


Transcript: Some methods come to the past, and the other arrived for innovative thecnologies: smooking: frequently used to add distinctive flavours to foods freeze-drying:(-10/-25°C) vacum-drying: this form of preservation in wich food is dried large container from wich air is removed. sugaring:it is used to preserve fruits. canning: they insert the food in the packaging and than they boiled. food addictives and preservatives: it is used to obtain longer shelf life. ionizing radiation: X-rays or gamma-rays freezin: is a very old method, it stop micro-organism growth. Milk is one of the most nutritionally complete foods.Milk contributes to the human diet by supplyng macronutrients, vitamins and minerals. macronutrients: it contains 3.5% of protein. Fat can diferenced by the types of milk(0.3% to 3.5%) vitamins: A, D, E, K and goup B minerals: calcium, magnesium zinc, potassium and phosphorum. MILK TREATMENTS In this presentation i explain the processing for producing food. In the past people used to preserve food with: smooking, drying, salting, frzeezing and fermenting. ITALY'S LIQUID GOLD NUT AND SEED OILS MODERN THECNOLOGY OF PRESERVATION temperate climate conditions, charaterized by hot dry summers and mill favour plantiful harvests. Italian extra virgin olive oils are considerated to be some of the best in the world,particularly those from tuscany, Abruzzi, Apulia, Umbria and liguria. it is the most digestible of all the edible fats, it also favours the assimilation of vitamins A,D andK. REFINED D UNREFINED NUT AND SEED OILS Unrefined oils: are processed by cold-pressed ad expeller-pressed methods. It tipically called salad oils and it is used for salad dressings, marinades and sauces. Thwy should not be cooked at hight temperature. Refined oils: are extrad from clean oilseed or oil cakes by solvent extraction at hight temperature to produce clean oil,free from rancidity and foreign matter. It is used to cooking at medium-hight temperature. SOLVENT EXTRACTION: the base plant is ground up and mixed with a chemical solvent to obtain a refined oil. COLD PRESSING: the oil sources are squeezed under heavy weights until they release their oil.since there is no heat involved, the flavour, odur and colour compounds remain. pasteurized milk: 71.7°C for 15-25 seconds (tubercoloses and brucellosesbacteria died) UHT milk: ultra Hight temperature 140-145°C (extended shelf life for 3 months) Evaporated milk: 60-65°C (shelf life one years) condensed milk: 110-115°C for 1-2 minutes evaporating the swetened milk, adding sugar, cooling and packaging.(shelf life most one years). untreated milk: it is only pasteurized to kill harmful bacteria.( shelf life 2-3 days at <4°C) filtered milk: microfiltration, homogenized and pasteurized.(storage at 5°C for 45 days). dried milk powder: homogenized and pre-concentrated before drying.( storage for more one year without refrigeration.) MILK: THE MOST COMPLETE FOOD FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION FOOD PROCESSING

Food Processing

Transcript: Refrigerating ~1800~ Pickling ~Unknown~ The cavemen first discovered freezing in cold climates by placing or burying foods in snow or ice. It was use to prolong foods so that they could eat them later. In 10,000 BC farmers began to grow barley and began to make beer in roughly 10,000 BC. It was nutritious. Food Processing Timeline Bread ~8000BC~ Bread dates back to 8000BC in Egypt where Egyptians would use Emmer wheat to create the dense crumb. Bread had also traced back to the Czech republic, Russia and Italy where they would mix wheat with water and bake it into bread. Freezing ~10 000BC~ Salting ~Unknown~ Canning ~1790~ How early man began using salt to preserve food is not clearly indicated but salting was done at about the same time leavened bread was introduced. Salt had been used as flavoring for a long time until it was discovered that meat rubbed with salt or dipped in brine lasted for weeks and months . Salting soon became one of the main methods of preserving food and was later used to pickle fruit and vegetables. In the ancient world, salt was as valuable as gold. The fermentation of milk led to the development of cheese in abut 300BC when Arabian horsemen found that while they were traveling in the dessert, their milk turned into a sort of cheese. In 1790 canning started to be pioneered. In about 1806 it was trialled with the navy with meat, vegetables, fruit and milk. They started using tin cans in 1810. The fridge was invented in the 1800 and it was put to easy use. Nature's drying of food was observed and adapted by man even before the discovery of fire. It was noticed when man realised that nuts dried by the rays of the Sun and that they would last longer in the Winter when they did so. Like salting, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly when pickling was discovered. Theories are that people placed foods in wines and beers and when the food and beverage went sour, they enjoyed the taste. Cheese ~300BC~ Fermenting ~10,000BC~ Drying ~10 000BC~

Food processing

Transcript: Food processing De-agglomerating batter mixes in food processing Trends in modern food processing Reduction of fat content in final product by using baking instead of deep-frying in the production of potato chips, another processed food. Maintaining the natural taste of the product by using less artificial sweetener than was used before. Benefits and drawbacks Benefits of food processing include toxin removal, preservation, easing marketing and distribution tasks, and increasing food consistency. In addition, it increases yearly availability of many foods, enables transportation of delicate perishable foods across long distances and makes many kinds of foods safe to eat by de-activating spoilage and pathogenic micro-organisms. Modern supermarkets would not exist without modern food processing techniques, and long voyages would not be possible. Food processing is the transformation of raw ingredients, by physical or chemical means into food, or of food into other forms. Food processing combines raw food ingredients to produce marketable food products that can be easily prepared and served by the consumer. ny processing of food can affect its nutritional density. The amount of nutrients lost depends on the food and processing method. For example, heat destroys vitamin C. Therefore, canned fruits possess less vitamin C than their fresh alternatives. The USDA conducted a study in 2004, creating a nutrient retention table for several foods. Drawbacks Problems often occur during preparation of batter mixes because flour and other powdered ingredients tend to form lumps or agglomerates as they are being mixed during production. A conventional mixer/agitator cannot break down these agglomerates, resulting in a lumpy batter.

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