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Facilitator Guide

Transcript: Global IBMer program Document Use Examples A PBC team-based decision-making session is a discussion, facilitated by an upline manager, where an organization's 1st-line managers meet to assess the relative contributions of the employees in their respective departments to achieve consensus on: What is the PBC team-based decision-making session? List: Document each employee's performance, including specific examples and data, on: Results achieved against goals, what was achieved and how it was achieved Full scope of job responsibilities Demonstration of IBM values THINK40 Completion PBC Distribution should reflect Business Results Obtain feedback for all of their direct reports from other relevant sources -- such as team leads, customers, colleagues, and others. Obtain input from any matrix manager regarding an employee’s performance. What are the desired outcomes of the session? The TBDM Session will focus on PBC 1 and PBC 3. PBC 2 and 2+ distribution will be determined by the 1st line managers. After TBDM: roles and responsibilities Active Participation Resources Final List International Assignees (IA) Group employees in natural combinations: band, function, role or job family. Do not group and compare widely different groups of employees. People managers should be grouped separately from employees. Consider separate sessions to discuss Band 10s because of the increased level of expectations for these employees. This may require a team-based decision-making session at a different level of the organization than for Bands 1-9. Include: Employees on LOA who worked MORE than 90 working days during the year International Assignees Cross-border matrix employees In-country matrix relationships Employees who changed jobs on October 1 or later (these employees are included in the team-based decision-making session of the previous organization) Exclude: New hires employed October 1 or later Employees on LOA with less than 90 working days during the year Fixed Term Employees (Non Regulars) Understand the Unit’s business environment Actively participate Understand there may be differences in opinion and stay focused Understand Up Line direction for GDP allocation When IBMers leave one country to work in another, they should create their PBCs and enter goals in their home country/region version of the PBC tool. (IBM uses 3 regional versions of the tool.) The employee will take day-to-day work direction from a manager in the host country. The host country manager, or whoever is providing work direction instead, should complete the PBC assessment and rating in the IBMers home country tool. This is important so that PBC rating history remains in home country HR data Is there any trend in employee ratings that does not reflect actual performance? For example, are the ratings or bonuses of a manager’s direct reports similar? Did I consider extraneous factors that are not directly related to an employee’s results or contributions? For example, did I consider longevity in a position, educational level, gender, race, etc? Did I put too much weight on a single incident or achievement to determine an employees rating? As a participant, you are encouraged to “police” other participants during the session, noting when others are becoming too much of an advocate, or discussing inappropriate information. Organize information: Reflect business results Not be applied to groups of less than 100 Not be applied at a 1st line manager level You should provide specific results and behavior examples for your employees Focus will be only in current year's performance So, What is next? As part of the Performance Management process, there are more task to complete. Always keep in mind that is all about improving the performance of our people, being essential. Remember how the nine practice are being reflected in you as a manager and how you can put some of them in practice through this process. Managers love to have everything documented. Here you have a perfect opportunity to put that in practice. Use all the information you gather to arrive a PBC rating decision, and use it to state a written feedback for each employee. You can use the same examples you used for the TBDM session. Include strong points and improvement points in all employees. We will talk more about this at the end of the year, but lets start changing our mindset about PBC feedback documentation in the tool. Start getting ready to handle difficult conversations. Be informed: Document: Not on performance improvement over a previous year, potential, personal characteristics or salary. It is about Performance Management. At IBM, performance is assessed not only on how you performed your job responsibilities, and your results achieved against goals, but also in terms of relative contribution -- your contribution to IBM's success relative to your peers’ contributions. Performance is also assessed based on how you achieved results, especially through your demonstration of the IBM

Ecopoetry Workshop Facilitator Guide

Transcript: facilitator guide WORKSHOP BLUEPRINT Workshop blueprint This workshop exemplifies my trademarked HIIT for the Heart workshops. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is an athletic model that alternates short bouts of explosive effort with brief recovery periods. The physiological benefits include increased post-exercise metabolism, a healthier heart, weight (vs. muscle) loss, & improved oxygen consumption. HIIT workouts are designed to leave participants EXHAUSTED yet also ENERGIZED, their bodies primed for life's BIG CHALLENGES. HIIT for the Heart workshops have a similar function & philosophy: short bouts of intense imaginative effort followed by brief self-reflexive recovery periods. The artistic benefits include increased post-exercise creativity capacity, emotional resilience, & mental agility, along with an improved ability to experience & express a wide range of feelings. Why? Studies show that an ability to experience a range of emotions is the #1 indicator of overall health and well-being. WELCOME & WARM-UP Welcome & Warm-Up 30 MIN ACTIVITY: 3 Favorite Animals Icebreaker TOPICS: WHAT TO EXPECT & WORKSHOP ETIQUETTE Objectives List your 3 favorite animals. Draw a hybrid animal that includes body parts from all 3. Name your hybrid animal. Put the name in the chat. BIG REVEAL and lots of laughs... Then I'll ask handful of folks to elaborate. You can always opt out of verbal sharing by invoking the Bartleby clause: "I prefer not to." No explanations asked! We'll review worksheet #1 & agree on some other workshop etiquette. Activity Overview elicit & clarify individual & group goals create climate for learning encourage serendipity induce readiness to learn Pro Tip Use personalized sharing to capture a quick snapshot of learning personas & segue directly into course content. Interval Training Interval Training ACTIVITY: Dr. Carr's Ecopoetry Jukebox SKILLS: Freewriting & Self-Reflection Tabatas Supersets Review what you wrote during the tabatas. Pick the free-write you feel most "inside" & write your way out. But first: What does it means to feel "inside" a poem? Discussion & sharing! Pick the free-write you feel most "outside" & write your way in. But first: What does it means to feel "outside" a poem? Discussion & sharing! Review superset writing & highlight a few sparks to share in chat. practice skills build muscle memory validate intellectual content & emotionalized attitudes leverage power of social community Objectives We explore the Jukebox together. You play the Jukebox on your own. Note anything that SPARKS your imagination, along with any questions. Share your sparks & questions in chat. I'll ask a handful of folks to elaborate. We'll use your sparks to generate free association, speedwriting exercises. You'll write in 3-minute bursts, with a few minutes of rest & sharing in between. 60 MIN Cool-Down & Stretch CORE & STRETCH MIX & MATCH Discussion 30 MIN Brainstorming Discussion How do I get from a freewrite to a poem? How do I know which freewrite has the potential to become a poem? How do I sustain this creative momentum when "real life" kicks in? What can I do with the Jukebox on my own? How can we use the Jukebox to connect? What kind of community can we sustain? What other resources & support can we offer each other? How do inside & outside relate to ecopoetry? What does it mean to feel inside a poem when we feel outside IRL, or vice versa: to feel outside a poem when we feel inside IRL? How are we constrained by the existential space in which we live? How might ecopoems liberate us from those constraints? What other connections are there between ecopoetry & our lives? Objectives help learners connect with each other post-workshop encourage mutual responsibility ensure everyone who wants to speak is heard validate intellectual content & emotionalized attitudes leverage the power of social community DESCRIPTION & Objectives I have been designing bespoke (V)ILT's for DPL since 2013. I condulted on the development of DPL's Writer Here program & currently lead workshops that teach community-based authors the craft of writing & the nuts & bolts of the writing life. Other training topics include telling other people's secrets, storytelling & the Tarot, navigating the publishing industry, grant writing, poetry for prose writers, writing & resilience, poetry recess, & beginnings & endings. Workshop Description Dr. Carr's Ecopoetry Jukebox is an interactive, electronic jukebox with twelve ecopoetic selections. During the workshop, you'll learn about how the Ecopoetry Jukebox works, why it was made, and how that matters to you & your own artistic practice. Along the way, we'll explore a diverse selection of ecopoets; we'll discuss how these poets are making homes in the medium of poetry (eco = home and poesis = to make); & we'll brainstorm strategies for writing our own ecopoems. Then, we'll play the Ecopoetry Jukebox, using our selections to generate original creative work. We'll end the session

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