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Data Center Design Presentation Templates

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Templates Presentation

Transcript: 1- The user creates a New Space 2- During some time it's modified according to the project needs 3- As the space results useful for a whole company or area the user decides to ask for saving it as Template 4-The Collaborate Team takes care of this process 5- The new process covers the Analysis of the Space that we should save as Template and the Estimation to finish it. 6- Also we should contemplate the current release dates to provide the user the go live Date Save Templates with Content Some Issues are: New Process: 1- URLs that are inherited Some items to take in care to know in which Release the Template will go live: Templates Creation Process Columns Duplicated that couldn't be removed Current Process: Advantages and Disadvantages Features that couldn't be enable Content Type Duplicated that couldn't be removed 1- The user creates a New Space 2- During some time it's modified according to the project needs 3- As the space results useful for a whole company or area the user decides to ask for saving it as Template 4-The Collaborate Team takes care of this process, but during it we usually face some issues Duplicated Content Type This Process will be easier if... - The Site Collections are aligned - The user doesn't modify the Template meanwhile the support team is working on it - If the changes are planed with time Missing Features Issues Estimation: Duplicated Columns Hidden Features 1-The complex of the data inside the Space and its estimation. 2-The issues that we found testing it and the estimation related to them . 3- We will accept simple changes until 7 days before the first INT deploy. 4- Once we passed the limit to request changes the Template will go live in the Next Release. 5- If the user request new Changes after the first INT deploy they will be performed to the next release. .Dotx files required - Old Library Template

Data Center

Transcript: Case:Data Centre @ WE School Data Center Architecture Computer room air conditioners(CRAC's) Cooling Servers UPS Lighting systems Management of air flow Measurement of Energy Consumption ISO 50001 IN A DATA CENTRE Point of loss of energy 1) Set up access processes 2) Implement Tagging 3) Replacement of wooden framework and a good quality glass with no gap. 4) Use of optic fiber cable in patch panel switch 5) Color coding for port identification. Light Efficiency Power Capacity of UPS: 80KVA Power Consumption: a)Under normal condition: 40% b)During peak hours (Events organized): 61% Lighting systems : luminance decides the power bill. 166 computers connected to server Air Conditioner: Optimum Temperature: 18- 19 deg celcius ( cooling from below ) 4 tonne - 1 1.5 tonne - 2 ( for coolin battery power bands) 1 tonne - 2 Implementation Issue:Mixing of Hot and Cold Air. Solution: Use blanking panels (or flat sheets of metal) to close off empty rack slots Rigid Enclosures: Build rigid enclosures to fully separate the heat rejected from the rear of IT equipment from the cool air intakes on the front. Hang plastic curtains (like those used in commercial refrigerators) to seal off the cold aisle. Enclose areas with components that run hotter (such as power supply units or PSUs) with plastic curtains. A Brief about ISO 50001 Centralizes an organization's IT operations and equipment It stores, manages, and disseminates its data. House a network's most critical systems and are vital to the continuity of daily operations. The benefits of ISO 50001 Certification in a data center Energy Cost Savings Reduced Greenhouse-Gas Emissions and Carbon Footprint Increased Energy Awareness among Staff Greater knowledge of Equipment Efficiencies Informed decision-making processes from system design through to operation Structured approach to the Right First Time methodologies Improved corporate image and credibility among stake holders, regulators, customers, prospective clients and the public Improved operational efficiencies Improved maintenance practices Mixing of hot and cold air power conversion Losses in UPS Inefficient Lighting Data Center Issue: Unnecessary wastage of lights and electricity because of constant consumption Solution: Usage of CFL bulbs Sensor-driven, occupancy-based lighting to ensure lights only activate when employees in various areas of the data centers need them "THANK YOU" Team Members: Ravneet Kaur 30 Bhavin Khona 32 Priyal Kumar 34 Priyanka Lunawat 36 Rahul Mahajan 38 Niswarth Mohanty 40 Aniruddh Naik 42 Major soures of energy consumption Power Usage Effectiveness Ratio of total amount of Energy used in a Data centre to the energy delivered to the IT Equipment unit Ideal PUE = 1.0 Industry Average Things WE will do @ WE Data centre

Data Templates, Templates and Styling

Transcript: WPF Templating Styles Property Triggers Data Triggers Event Triggers Templates Refactoring It is better practice to store templates and other large resources as seperate resource dictionaries. As an example, we would store our custom Listbox in a resource dictionary called CustomListBox.xaml and import it in our App when we want to instantiate that custom control. Control Templates Apply a set of property values to an element Change the appearance of any style-related (read: asthetic) property Used when you need to have a common set of property values on multiple elements Default Style element is FrameworkElement. Specify TargetType to style other elements IsMouseOver = true Visual tree takes the hierarchical tree and expands its elements into all visual components. Control templates are XAML "recipe" for a control. We can copy the contents of a control template and modify it to "reskin" a core WPF control. Templates vs. Styles Although you can find the templates for WPF core controls in MSDN documentation, easiest way is to use Expression Blend. - Add a control - Right Click on control -> Edit Template Templates used for hierarchical data such as TreeViewItem and MenuItem A chunk of XAML markup that defines how a bound data object should be displayed. Visual Tree Hierarchical Data Templates Styles EventTriggers are hooked up to routed events and generally spark an animation related action on the element to which the style applies. Used to bind to properties of the control to which you are applying the template. Useful when the property is not specific to the aspects you are customizing. Event Triggers Item Panel Templates Templates used to override how objects are layed out in a Panel (or any class derived from Panel). DataTriggers work much like PropertyTriggers but operate on any object property instead of just WPF dependency Property. Property Triggers Logical Tree vs. Visual Tree Styles are used to adjust properties of an element. Templates can replace the entire visual tree of an element. Ex. Use template to replace the background of a button with an ellipse or path object. Data Triggers Styles can be inherited from other styles. Simply use the property "BasedOn" in the Style element. Data Templates Logical tree is a representative tree that describes the heirarchical composition of a WPF application. Style Inheritance IsMouseOver = false Define a list of setters that are activated when specific condition is met. Template Bindings Triggers Logical Tree

Data Center Design Group

Transcript: -IpCop firewall was installed to be our Firewall, NAT router, and DHCP server. -With our NAT router and DHCP server we are able to give out our private IP's throughout our network. -We installed Ubuntu Server for our main OpenSource operating system. -Installed OpenStack "Grizzly" as our IASS (Infrastructure As A Service) for our cloud infrastructure. -Having Ubuntu as our main operating system, we have avoided having licensing issues. Where we are Now Our clients goals Screenshot of OpenStack Dashboard Image Files -Move server rack into datacenter in room 2204 -Remove old cables from room and make cable management more effective for our rack -Launch the virtual machines from the OpenStack dashboard. Our Goals Screenshots of OpenStack Network Topolog Description of the Project What our future plans are -The purpose of this cloud hosted OpenStack data center is to provide students in the Webpage classes remote access to the data center. This will help make it easier for the end users. -The data center will also be used by professors for research purposes to better educate future Georgia Southern University students. IT Capstone: Data Center Design Group -Our client asked for us to create a data base using OpenStack so many virtualized Operating Systems and image files could be accessed through the OpenStack dashboard. -The server must be able to handle different types of web interfaces so students could access their specific IP Address and domain names. Where we are Now Where we are Now

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