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Community Service Presentation Template

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Community service presentation

Transcript: THE END :) Meals on wheels (1 hour) Wood raffle wood collecting Pictures After!!! For my first 4 hours of community service i painted our mailbox shed at the front of our road. Completing this task made me feel good and was a good activity to complete over the holidays that was constructive, helpful and kind of fun. I feel a sense a of pride in painting the mailbox shed because it was looking pretty shabby before i fixed it up, i go past the mailbox shed at the end of our road everyday and i know that i am the one that fixed it up to help out my neighbors because unlike a conventional mailbox our mailbox shed is used by everyone up our road. It feels good to complete this job without being given something or paid for completing it. The most difficult part of the job was probably cleaning the mailbox shed before i could paint it. If i had to do this job again i would have used a different color paint to change things up a bit also i would build a new door for it because door i painted was looking quite old. I probably wont continue doing this type of community service because there inst much of it to do compared to other jobs. Meals on Wheels Pictures of meals on wheels wood kinderling collection Pink square knitting photos (unfinished) Goal The next activity i completed to add 1 hour to my community service tally was to go up our road and pick up small sticks and logs that can be used at fire starting kinderling which we are going to sell to raise more money for the tennis club. Doing this made me feel good because i was helping out people who would struggle to gather wood for there fires such as the elderly but also i was helping the tennis club get money to redo the courts. I liked doing this job because it was regularly easy to do because all i was doing was picking up sticks and bundling them up, also i didn't have too very far because i could just walk around our farm. Knitting a pink square Pictures before... Pictures of wood bundles By Tom Daniher Painting the mailbox (4 hours) Another activity i completed to add 1 hour to my community service count was to into Braidwood and sweep all the leaves off the tennis courts. This job required quite a bit of effort but only took one hour to complete. Doing this made me feel good because i was helping out people who play tennis but couldn't because all the leaves made it impossible but they also didn't have the time to clean them up because of work or other responsibilities. I didn't really liked doing this job because it wasn't very fun and required a fair bit of work but that doesn't really matter because its community service and its not supposed to be about me. Another activity i completed to add 1 hour to my community service that i hated but it was last resort was mum taught me how to knit a pink square that would be added to a big blanket that is very big and would be auctioned off to raise money for breast cancer. The square was 10cm x 10cm big and even though i have only put it down as an hour it probably took about 8. It was very hard and mum did a lot of helping but i eventually got it done. I will definitily not be doing community service like this again because it was so hard and took for ever. it was good to help though, breast cancer is a very worthy cause. Wood collecting photos Sweeping the tennis courts to remove leafs The next activity i completed to add 1 hour to my community service tally was go on a shift of meals on wheels with my Grandma. doing this made me feel happy because i was helping out the elderly people by delivering them food and making them happy. I liked doing this community service job because you get to meet some of the old people around West Wyalong (were my grandparents live) which i found enjoyable. Probably my favorite people we went to deliver food to were a guy called Allen who was 98 and a guy called Bill who was kind of crazy and had a huge stamp collection. Painting the mailbox RE Community Service 2013 RE community service assignment 2013 term 2 The next activity i completed to add 4 hour to my community service tally was where i went to a small far out side of Goulbourn to collect wood logs and split them for the Braidwood tennis club wood raffle. we were in the Ute and managed to get 2 Utes full and a trailer full of wood! The wood raffle is to raise money so that the tennis courts in Braidwood can get redone because at the moment they are really cracked and chipped which makes playing tennis on the quite hard. The money raised will be used to re-surface the courts. I liked doing this job because the farm that we were on was really nice and i had a friend there with me to do it which mad it fun. This job wasn't very difficult, just picking up the wood but the difficult part was cutting down the dead trees. This job was satisfying because i use the tennis courts myself and by helping raise money to fix them was satisfying. Me Start Tennis court sweeping photos

Service Presentation - Template

Transcript: There is a difference between fast and efficient service. Do not continue to do things the same old way because that is “how they are done”. You were hired to use your experience and skills to better the organization – take that challenge seriously. It may not always be possible to say “yes” but the customer must know that you have done everything possible to help them accomplish their goal. Make eye contact, smile, and speak (when appropriate) to every customer you encounter. No exceptions. Customers of government agencies do not choose to do business with us, they have to. The only way to overcome this challenge is to provide exceptional service. The implementation of process improvement requires a global perspective. Know what the agency does. When you do, you will know that your work has purpose and that “That’s not my job” shouldn’t be part of your vocabulary. Ask and offer. Your professionalism is judged based on your appearance, your attitude, your manners, your knowledge, and your abilities. It is a package, fail on just one count and you risk making a bad impression. Use your knowledge, skills, and resources to respect your customers’ time, but never rush – it is disrespectful and it dramatically impacts both the relationship and the outcome. Keep your eyes open. If you see something that doesn’t work the way it should, take steps to make it right or at the very least, call someone’s attention to it. Customers care how many people they have to talk with to get the answers they need. If you need to transfer or hand off a customer, make sure it is to the right person, and be sure you’ve prepared that person to ensure a seamless transition. Your career and your livelihood exist because of the customer in front of you. Be grateful and appreciative. To provide accurate information, you must know your job and have a thorough understanding of agency processes. Engage with your co-workers, ask questions, keep up with your industry. There is always more to learn – attend training when it is offered. Respect your customer’s concerns about dealing with government. Resolving an issue or completing a request may take longer, but acknowledgement of the request should happen the day it is received. Know your business. Do not overpromise or under-deliver. Manage expectations by setting reasonable goals. Give careful thought to timelines and make your word your bond. Moreno Valley Service that Soars Never assume you know what your customer needs. Good questions evoke good answers, but only if you’re listening. Resolve not to interrupt. Exercise patience, be polite, and pay attention. Venture outside your world. There is no better way to gauge your success than to ask for feedback. There is no better way to demonstrate your commitment to the customer than to provide a card and offer your continuing assistance. A customer is not a football. Connect. Keep a bad mood to yourself. Respond within the same day. Say “Thank you”. Remember, first impressions matter. Treat customers like they have a choice. Put a human face on the customer’s dealings with what is often considered a complex bureaucracy. Customers enjoy doing business with people they like and trust. Yes, it is your job to make customers like and trust you. Keep your word. Remember who you work for. Ask, then be quiet and listen. Question the status quo. A customer should NEVER have to deal with your difficult day. Everything is your job.

Community Service Presentation

Transcript: My Community Service Colts 4 Kids Mt. Lebanon Fire Department Heidelberg Fire Department I also helped sell 50/50 tickets at the playoff games we hosted at our stadium What has been mentioned was literally all I did the entire time I was at the Heidelberg Fire Department. I think I got at least nine sets completed and I was in the middle of my tenth or eleventh set when I had to leave . Trey Imler and I also set up a table at Walmart and a BP station owned by Tony Mazzarini to collect donations of both money and supplies The Wounded Warrior project is an organization dedicated to helping returning troops make the transition from the war zone to a civilian lifestyle. Colts 4 Kids was started as a response to the Patterson Avenue Fire, which demolished one house and severely damaged another. Here's a picture of me running in the 5k. They encouraged military dress and weighted vests, which I wore. For the CV Football boosters, I helped with the media guide, editing some of the photos taken as my mom, the person leading the media guide, deemed necessary. It was very monotonous and boring, but because of it I was able to finish my hours, and I was glad for that. My neck also hurt afterwards because I was looking down at the tickets the entire time. At the end, there was a spaghetti dinner held to benefit the families affected by the fire. We presented both families with a check for $1,150 split between the two. CV Football Boosters Every 50 or so tickets, we stopped and bundled them up with rubber bands. My job was to help take numbered stickers and put them on tickets in sets of 250, to identify it. Each set had one winning ticket that matched the number on an "answer key" ticket that told them what the winning number was for that set. To collect money for the victims, Colts 4 Kids went to different local businesses, such as Rite Aid, LaBella Bean, and Sauce. We set out jars at cash registers for people to donate. I personally believe this is my best one. At the Heidelberg Fire Department, I volunteered to help out with the bingo game they hold there every week. On October 4th, my 16th birthday, the Mt. Lebanon Fire department organized a 5k called "The Mogadishu Mile". It benefitted the Wounded Warrior Project.

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