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Buffalo State Powerpoint Template

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Buffalo State

Transcript: Admission Policies Important Dates Buffalo State I want to go there because ..... I want to stay close to home but far enough away. I need to venture out but be able to come home when I feel like it Adult Education / Applied Economics / Art Conservation / Communication Design / Creative Studies / Fashion and Textile Technology / Fibers / Forensic Chemistry / Forensic Science / Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration / Metals/Jewelry / Urban and Regional Analysis and Planning / Wood/Furniture Degrees Offered Wednesday, August 26, 2015- Thursday, August 27, 2015 First-Year Orientation Monday, August 31, 2015 Classes Begin Thursday, December 17, 2015 Final Day of Fall Semester Monday, January 4, 2016 January Term Thursday, May, 2016 Final day of spring semester In state tuition is $6,170 Presidential Scholarship Awarded to high school seniors who have a 90 grade point average (GPA) or higher, SAT score of 1200 or ACT score of 26 Provost Scholarship Awarded to high school seniors who have a 90 grade point average (GPA) or higher, SAT scores between 1100 and 1190 or ACT score of 24/25 Dean's Scholarship Awarded to high school seniors who have a 90 grade point average (GPA) or higher, with SAT scores (critical math and reading) between 1000 and 1090 or ACT score of 22/23. Ross B. Kenzie Family Scholarship Criteria is based on high school average, SAT/ACT score, and is awarded to full-time students from African-American, Hispanic, Native America, and Asian American populations. Cost and Scholarships Division 1 and 3 sports Study Club Movie Club Media Club Volunteer Club Housing Expectations College Presentation College Name The staff to student rate is 15:1 Extra Curricular Activity Students who are in their freshmen year or sophomore year must reside in on campus housing unless they reside with a parent with 35 miles of campus, are married , over 21 and have lived in a residence three months prior to being accepted 48.6% accepted while 51.4 % are declined Students must have a 85 gpa to attend and an SAT Score of 1050 Website Student Body Rate

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