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Boggle Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: round 1 That's the game! round 6 round 7 Strategy, Hints & Scoring Whilst looking for as many words as possible is a good strategy, it is worth bearing in mind that longer words score more highly, so one 5-letter word is worth two 4-letter words. The scoring is as follows: Fewer than 3 Letters: no score 3 Letters: 1 point 4 Letters: 1 point 5 Letters: 2 points 6 Letters: 3 points 7 Letters: 4 points 8 or More Letters: 11 points As usual, write down your words on your mini white boards. round 2 Remember you only have 3 minutes per round. Here are some extra assets : example round FEEL FREE TO COPY & PASTE THEM! Questions? Instructions Boggle is a popular word formation game. It is played with a tray of 16 letter dice, which is shaken to get 16 random letters. Teams have three minutes to find as many words as they can in the grid, according to the following rules: -The letters must be adjoining in a 'chain'. (Letter cubes in the chain may be adjacent horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.) -Words must contain at least three letters. -No letter cube may be used more than once within a single word. round 3 round 5 round 4 Welcome to another game! Full credit is awarded for both the singular and plural forms of a noun provided you list them as separate words, so cat and cats each score a point. The same is true for all other derived forms (e.g. chew, chews, chewed, etc.). If a word appears more than once in the grid, it may not be counted twice. Also, multiple meanings of the same word do not earn multiple credit. Any dictionary word is allowed. As in most word games, you will not receive credit for proper names, abbreviations, contractions, hyphenated words, or foreign words that are not in an English dictionary. You will be penalised 1 point for each guess you make that is not recognised as a valid word. Words within other words are permissible. This can be a valuable fact to remember, for if you spot the word part, you can also write down par and art. In this case, it is also a word in reverse: trap. You will not be penalised for submitting the same word twice, but doing so will not increase your score. This may be helpful if you do not remember if you have already found a particular word; it is probably faster to type it again than to check your list. A good knowledge of anagrams will help. If you notice the letters S, T, O, and P arranged in a 2x2 square, you will be able to write not only stop but also opts, tops, spot, post, and pots, scoring a total of 6 points. Boggle Here are the rules... This one's called Boggle.

Boggle your mind...

Transcript: Ockham: questions Who said it? J.J. Rousseau: questions "Do not multiply entities beyond necessity." "Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains." "Man is condemned to be free." Whose philosophical theory is the song based on? WILLIAM OF OCKHAM (1287-1347) "Do not multiply entities beyond necessity." JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU (1712-1778) "Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains." JEAN PAUL SARTRE (1905-1980) "Man is condemned to be free." Does it follow that simpler theories are more likely to be true than complex ones? Is science trying to get at the truth? Or is it just a tool for predicting what´s going to happen? From Mind Bogglet app: Sartre: questions J.J. Rousseau: questions Listen and write down as many words as you can hear? Do relationships of domination owe their existence to social arrangements, or would they exist anyway? Are we naturally free? If so, could society, and especially the workplace, be organised so as to preserve our natural autonomy. Do the moral costs of the production of commodities outweigh the material benefits? Ockham: questions Is angst a necessary accompaniment to a full awareness of one´s capacity to make choices? Are there situations in which moral rules cannot guide us? In making a moral choice, does one really choose for the whole of humanity? Boggle your mind... Sartre: Questions Do relationships of domination owe their existence to social arrangements, or would they exist anyway? Are we naturally free? If so, could our society be organised so as to preserve this natural harmony? Do the moral costs of the production of commodities outweigh the material benefits? From Mind Boggler app: Is angst a necessary accompaniment to a full awareness of one’s capacity to make choices? Are there situations in which moral rules cannot guide us? In making a moral choice, does one really choose for the whole of humanity? All things being equal, science chooses simpler theories over complex ones. Does it follow that simpler theories are more likely to be true than complex theories? Is science trying to get at the truth? Or is it just a tool for predicting what’s going to happen? From Mind Boggler app:

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

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