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Informative Presentation

Transcript: overt or covert behavior using any type of technology Who and How Bullying Affects 1. Physical Types of Bullying frequent fights, steal, vandalize property, drink alcohol and smoke, poor grades and can carry a weapon...showed to commit crimes later in life Types of bullying carried out behind the person's back lying, humiliating, negative gestures, encouraging others to socially exclude others ...some forms considered illegal actions includes teasing, insults, name calling and intimidation 5. Verbal Serious Consequences Who/How it can effect forcing you to leave a job or get fired, not allowing you an education, putting all bills or credit cards in your name, withholding or shaming you for how you spend your money Bullying and abuse is a major problem in today's society, and can only be prevented by those who are educated about the issue. Abuse Statistics Who/How it can effect (Alannah and Madeline Foundation, 2010) guilt/fear, can be drawn into bullying themselves includes hitting, kicking, tripping or damaging property Jerricah Franz Bullycide Who and How Abuse affects people 6. Economic (Patricelli, 2005) lose interest in school, depression, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts only way to escape the physical and emotional pain being the victim of bullying from an authority figure victim of continued bullying with no support from friends or peers re living an embarrassing moment with no relief (Mouradian, 2000) Those who bully... Overview Bullycide Some Statistics 4. Sexual "How bullying affects, 2013" Types of Abuse 1. Physical Bullying Types of abuse low self-esteem and self-blame bad eating habitats depression or suicidal thoughts abuse towards others trust issues promiscuity chronic pain or self-inflicted harm sexual intimacy problems tendency for a bad temper "Bullying Statistics, 2009" -Bullycide. (2009). Retrieved from -Bullying statistics. (2009). Retrieved from -Four kinds of bullying. (2010). Retrieved from -How bullying affects children. (2013). Retrieved from environment can turn into one of fear and disrespect - hampering learning ability 2. Verbal Bullying Conclusion Can affect men and women of all ages Those who are bullied... 4. Cyberbullying ("Intimate partner violence," 2001-2005) Bullying Statistics Witnesses... The purpose of this presentation is to inform you about the many different types and effects of bullying and abuse and how serious of an ethical problem this is in our society. Purpose Statement 3. Covert Bullying Conclusion ("Bullycide," 2009) physical symptoms: headaches, stomach pains, sleeping problems... 2. Mental “Life is a fight, but not everyone’s a fighter. Otherwise, bullies would be an endangered species.” - Andrew Vachss Purpose Statement Post-Abuse Issues The School... 3. Emotional Some Statistics 37 state laws adopted against bullying... 80% of people in an abusive relationship said to have stayed together 26% of people in a relationship said to have been verbally abused less than 25% of teens have discussed abuse with their parents 33% of people in an abusive relationship have actually told someone word used as a hybrid of bullying and suicide to explain when someone takes their life as a result of bullying -Intimate partner violence in the U.S.. (2001-2005). Retrieved from, V. E. (2000). -Abuse in intimate relationships: Defining the multiple dimensions and terms. Retrieved from, K. (2005). -Post-abuse vulnerabilities. 8. Retrieved from about bullying. (2013). Retrieved from 15% of students that don't show up to school say it is out of fear of being bullied 1 out of 10 students drop out of school or change schools due to bullying 1 out of 20 students report seeing someone with a gun on campus Most bullying occurs in grades 4th-8th where 90% of students had said to been a victim of some sort of bullying References References

Informative Presentation

Transcript: "Quote Investigator," 2014). Focusing on: Cultural expression Creativity Historical ideals that broaden views of world Construction techniques ("Ancient Egypt Architecture," 2006) Diverse amounts of materials/mediums being used ("Ancient Aztec Art," 2006) Thesis Credibility References Materials/Mediums Piss Christ created by Andres Serrano (Dennison, 2010) One cannot have competency in modern day art without being knowledgeable in ancient civilizations' art. Ancient Aztec Art History of Art. (2013, September 14). Retrieved from Ancient Egypt Architecture. (2006) Retrieved from Calvert, A. (2014) Egyptian Art. Retrieved from Dennison, B. (2010, November 14) Four Controversial Pieces of Religious Art. Retrieved from Ancient Aztec Art. (2006) Retrieved from Cartwright, M. (2014, January 6) Aztec Art. Retrieved from Quote Investigator. (2014, March 3) Retrieved from Hierarchy of Scale Religion in Art Justification Ceramics Architecture Gain knowledge about ancient civilization through art form (Calvert, 2014) I am a 3rd year art history major at Washington State University "Art is the signature of civilizations"- Beverley Sills ("History of Art," 2013) Bayley Heggenes 11267100 Com. 102 Sec. 32 Informative Presentation Social classes and social importance (Calvert, 2014) Hieroglyphs I chose this topic due to its social, political and economic impact on individuals and societies in the modern era and how these impacts relating to the arts have changed throughout human history and how they will continue to change. Taken lessons from traditions and have shaped work for the future (Cartwright, 2014) Ancient Egyptian Art

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