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Artificial Intelligence Template Presentation

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Artificial Intelligence Presentation

Transcript: 5) Kate and Alice engage in a brief argument about the room temperature. What does Alice need to know about the structure of arguments to be able to respond appropriately? how to keep kate happy, and calm her down 8) what can you infer about the location of Kate’s dorm relative to Disneyland? What can you infer from the fact that Alice suggests they drive there? she must live in California. Artificial Intelligence Presentation 4) What knowledge and reasoning are needed for the room to respond appropriately to Kate’s declaration? Alice had to have alot of understanding like a human. 6) List the associations Alice needs to make in order to suggest a trip to Disneyland or Frisbee and the movies. she needs to be able to recognize emotions and remember past converations 7) What is boredom? How does it affect a person’s behavior? What causes it? What cures it? boredom affects a persons mood by making them grumpier, you could solve this by doing something interesting. 1) What would cause Kate to consider the room warm and friendly? she spoke to the room frequently . Questions (7-9) Questions (10 & 11) Questions (4-6) 11) Describe at least one collaborative system to which you would like to have access. i would probably say artificial intelligence. 9) How likely is it that Kate is athletic? What would a computer need to know to draw the same conclusion? its a 50/50 chance, alice could tell by the things she wears or the activities she does. 10) List some real world examples of collaborative systems you have read or heard about. instant messaging systems like google, is a good example as a collaborative system. Questions (1-3) 3) What does “incidentally” reference— a break in the previous conversation or the sentence it is in? it references to the coincidence of the matter at hand 2) What role does the word “incidentally” play in the conversation Kate has with Alice? it amused kate that she had stumbled upon extra tickets

Artificial Intelligence Presentation

Transcript: Before Philosophers have discussed the nature of intelligence and asked ..? 1950 1956 After It was a time of great progress in artificial intelligence To sum up Real Intelligence the processor components to perceive, understand, and act Driverless car Jeopardy is an American quiz show. What is Artificial Intelligence? Sensing the abillity to understand, and make decisions IBM Watson Mind Applications of Artificial Intelligence having sensors Thanks for listening Please, feel free to ask ... the five senses VS It is a computer system that has the ability to answer questions posted in natural language History of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence It has developed to welcome and serve guests Short History of Artificial Intelligence Alan Turing Interacting John McCarthy the brain Asimo is a human-like robot developed by Honda Motor Company Artificial intelligence timeline AI term did not exist until 1956. McCarthy coined the phrase "artificial intelligence" What is Artificial Intelligence? Human-like Robot It is a way to determine if a computer is intelligent a branch of computer science Many scientists have defined AI Herbert Simon' defifnition Alan Turing Real-life Applications of Artificial Intelligence Turing Test He has wrote one of the first published papers in AI field. John McCarthy The basic layout of the Jeopardy! game board, using the dollar values from the first round Jennings WAtson Rutter Artificial Intelligence Presentation Welcome to By Othman Aljeezani

Presentation: Artificial Intelligence

Transcript: AI has great benefits for human society: helping human beings doing complicated research changing people's lifestyle decreasing the cost of manufacture exploring the new spaces and do dangerous work bringing convenience to people's life. Welcome to the world of Siri! More specialized AI will be created in people's life and make a contribution to human beings in all aspects of society. My Findings reasoning, knowledge, planning, learning, natural language processing, perception and the ability to move and manipulate objects. To solve all of the problems, tools such as versions of search and mathematical optimization, logic, methods based on probability and economics are all used HARMS CITATION BENEFITS DEFINITION Third, AI can be dangerous. On one hand, AI can be harmful when they are not completed. For instance, a Tesla in self-driving mode rear-ends a blue truck because the AI consider the truck as the sky when it is blue. In this case, the program is not completed, which causes harm to users. On the other hand, when machines start to get intelligence, they might react without the direction of human beings. Second, it stops people from thinking. For example, people who use the calculator all the time are not able to do simple calculations in their minds. If people can solve all the problems by using AI technology, the habit of using shortcut would lead to mental ineptitude. In this case, people will not be able to create anything better than AI. AI is probably the last and best creation of human. Artificial Intelligence or AI is defined as human intelligence existing in machines. According to "Artificial intelligence", "a machine is considered as "intelligent" when it is able to take actions to maximize its chance of being successful in the region of Computer Science." Also, learning and problem-solving are the basic functions of AI ("Artificial Intelligence"). "Artificial Intelligence." Artificial intelligence (a)Web. Holmes, John H., et al. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 15th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2015, Pavia, Italy, June 17-20, 2015. Proceedings. 2015th ed. 9105 Vol. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015. Web. Jaeger, Manfred. "On the Complexity of Inference about Probabilistic Relational Models." Artificial Intelligence 117.2 (2000): 297-308. CrossRef. Web. Jennings, Nicholas R. "On Agent-Based Software Engineering." Artificial Intelligence 117.2 (2000): 277-96. Print. Kaplan, Jerry. Artificial Intelligence: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2016. Web. Koning, K., et al. "Model-Based Reasoning about Learner Behaviour." Artificial Intelligence 117.4 (2000): 173-229. Web. Sokolova, Marina, Peter Beek, and SpringerLink (Online service). Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 27th Canadian Conference on Trillas, Enric, Susana Cubillo, and Elena Castiñeira. "On Conjectures in Orthocomplemented Lattices." Artificial Intelligence 117.2 (2000): 255-75. CrossRef. Web. Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI 2014, Montréal, QC, Canada, may 6-9, 2014. Proceedings. 8436 Vol. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014. Web. Valiant, Leslie G. "Robust Logics." Artificial Intelligence 117.2 (2000): 231-53. CrossRef. Web. Functions of AI Artificial Intelligence Presented by Congcong Xie First, the employment rate will decrease since companies need fewer labors to do the work which can easily and perfectly be done by AI. A dramatic shift is going to happen in the future society when jobs in markets are taken by AI instead of human beings.

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