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70th Birthday Powerpoint Template

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Dad's 70th birthday

Transcript: John Senior passed away when John Junior was five years old. which only caused a problem if the chain popped off while he was going downhill. When he got out, he resumed the pleasures of civilian life * not an actual Soviet He stays busy, though. John's body has endured a few exis- tential challenges through the years, and they've always left bystanders scratching their heads. Despite staggering odds, John has been alive for seventy years. We think that calls for a celebration. But who really has time for professional sports when the Flying Dutch need their biggest fan? He hasn't turned his back on a certain ursine Chicago sports franchise. Fourth grade who has ever attempted it. and showed him the world beyond Wisconsin. Jim and Rudy's wedding day, 1949 then to West Berlin, he married her. and a faithful wonder-dog named Tracie who followed her master anywhere he would tolerate her presence. School was a breeze for a guy with John's superior intellect, ` or had radiation therapy for a tumor of the eyeball, ` then back to Maryland, just like his father than any other man that soon boasted a handcrafted playhouse, to John Dykstra You might say The Air Force taught him discipline and good looks. who already had nine children. The National Security Agency had hired John to ...well, if he told you, he'd have to... you know. Most of John's brothers were grown by then, but they made sure that their mother and the children still at home were well cared for He also reconnected with Linda LeFever. Well, he did have a dog named Butch which, you will recall, was then engulfed John Junior didn't lack for good role models, even if he didn't have much else. ` and a red bicycle*. of the 70's. and had a little excitement in their lives. Every once in a while, they were good for some fun. Recent baseball seasons have been easier to swallow on the heels of the football seasons prior. In November 1970, after much thoughtful deliberation, Her family was pretty keen on him, too. and his brothers had before him. He was born on May 30, 1942 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and freedom to travel the world. and rear and main sprockets that were slightly out of alignment, by Soviet East Germany.* and Anna Holstein Dykstra, when he became a father. an N-scale model of the transcontinental railroad, At no other time in all of recorded history nearly severed a thumb with a bandsaw, First grade They could always use another pair of hands on the farm. and earned his bachelor's degree. Hooray! After high school, John served his country Happy birthday, John. * With no fenders, He was stationed in Turkey for a while. natural athletic ability, let alone lived to tell about all of these things? Its ranks increased, the family once again crossed the Atlantic and settled in a house on Pamplona Road a typical day at Van Wylen Library This is John Junior Dykstra. and repatriated to the shores of Lake Michigan to retire. and his sisters enjoyed their new plaything. his worldview expanded. Even this one. undergone quintuple-bypass surgery, He and his bride moved to Maryland, My, how she had changed! no chain guard, Clearly, he adored them all. have so many Dykstras come so close to really smiling. How many guys do you know who have broken both arms during the same basketball game, ` In 1997, John bade a final farewell to NSA He cleaned up pretty nice, too. required stitches after a showdown with a Stop sign in the grocery store parking lot, the office better John also had many nieces and nephews who weren't much younger than he was. John was nearly forty They took a liking to John Junior, though, and decided one more couldn't hurt. beyond the reach They'd never had a kid this cute He performed Even in Cold War– era Berlin, they were not He has the riding lawnmower he's always wanted then to Garmisch,

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